The Thing About Quitting

I had to share this. Check out this Jenifer Lewis interview on Andrea Lewis The Black Actresses Youtube Channel. If you are not familiar with Jennifer Lewis (although you should be), she is a comedian, and film and theatre actor whose career spans over 2 decades. Who is currently on the hit show Blackish. 

I thoroughly enjoyed her story telling, her transparency, and her humor. I can honestly sit at her feet and listen to her all day. What resonated with the most is once you get to the 3:22 mark where she talks about quitting,

"It is the dream that sustained me. I've given up. But I don't quit. And as I've said over and over again; the day you quit, it was right around the corner. Giving up is taking a break. Quitting is never coming back. It is impossible for me to quit. Anything. (laughs) Because it is when you are hardest hit, you mustn't quit."